Frequently asked questions (FAQ)

Do you have a question about mcEmpirics in general or about our quizzes?

mcEmpirics (pronounced "em-cee Empirics") stands for multiple-choice Empirics. mcEmpirics enables undergraduate students in economics and business to practice and review the basic statistical and econometric knowledge necessary for applied empirical research by answering quizzes.

There are several advantages to having an mcEmpirics account:

  1. You can play as many quizzes as you like.
  2. Studying econometrics and statistics is hard. mcEmpirics will (hopefully) make it easier and more fun.
  3. It is an ideal way to learn introductory econometrics and statistics.
  4. mcEmpirics is a good way of complementing your attendance at lectures and in classes and your reading.
  5. Playing quizzes helps you to prepare for your econometrics degree exams.
  6. You can track your success and the quizzes you have played to identify your strengths and weaknesses.
  7. You can find out more about journal articles published in leading economic journals.
  8. You can learn more about the authors of these articles and those mentioned in the references to gain insights into current research and researchers around the world.
  9. mcEmpirics also contains recommendations for and links to relevant YouTube videos.

Each quiz consists of ten single-choice and/or multiple-choice questions.

All questions have a context, which provides certain information (i.e., text, figures, tables). The context is always highlighted in grey. Below the context, there is a statement (single-choice question) or several statements (multiple-choice questions).

If you are answering a single-choice question, click on the true or false button.

When answering a multiple-choice question, click on the statement(s) that is/are correct.

Playing quizzes on textbooks and book chapters does not mean that the questions are taken from the books. Rather, they are developed independently by mcEmpirics. However, if you have read the relevant book chapter you should be able to answer the questions that we have assigned to that book chapter. For example, if you have read Chapter 12: "Instrumental Variables Regression" in Stock and Watson you should be able to answer all the mcE questions on instrumental variable regressions that we have developed and assigned to that chapter. One advantage of mcEmpirics is that we are constantly developing new questions and many of them relate to new articles published in leading economic journals.

At the moment, users can play quizzes on the following textbooks and book chapters:

  • Angrist, Joshua; Pischke, Jörn-Steffen (2009): Mostly Harmless Econometrics: An Empiricist's Companion.
  • Angrist, Joshua; Pischke, Jörn-Steffen (2015): Mastering 'Metrics: The Path from Cause to Effect. First Edition.
  • Stock, James; Watson, Mark (2015): Introduction to Econometrics. Third Edition. Global Edition.
  • Wooldridge, Jeffrey M. (2016): Introductory Econometrics. 6th Edition.

Yes, log in to and click My Profile.

You can log in with your mobile phone, but not all multiple- and single-choice questions are available on mobile phones as many of the questions, tables, and graphs are too large for mobile phone screens. To optimize your mcEmpirics experience, we therefore recommend you use a computer, tablet, or laptop.

Yes, in the near future, it will be possible to play quizzes on the following books (book chapters):

  • Studenmund, Arnold (2017): A Practical Guide to Using Econometrics. Seventh Edition. Global Edition.
  • Verbeek, Marno (2017): A Guide to Modern Econometrics. 5th Edition.
  • Gujarati, Damodar; Porter, Dawn C. (2009): Basic Econometrics. Fifth Edition. International Edition.

Yes, in the near future, it will be possible to play quizzes on the following books (book chapters):

  • Studenmund, Arnold (2017): A Practical Guide to Using Econometrics. Seventh Edition. Global Edition.
  • Verbeek, Marno (2017): A Guide to Modern Econometrics. 5th Edition.
  • Gujarati, Damodar; Porter, Dawn C. (2009): Basic Econometrics. Fifth Edition. International Edition.

Yes, to change your e-mail account, log in to and click My Profile, then E-mail.

Each quiz consists of ten single-choice and/or multiple-choice questions. If you answer eight or more questions in each quiz correctly, you earn an ‘mcE point’, indicating very good performance.

These points will also soon be used for our mcE league table and the best user participating in the mcE league will win a mcEmpirics award.

Yes, all students at Universität Potsdam can register with their university e-mail and answer an unlimited number of quizzes and questions.

Do you have a question about campus licenses or teachers' accounts?

Yes! For further information, see Campus Licenses in the header above.

No. Students can only play the test once in order to receive their test result. Once they have answered all the questions, the test will automatically close for them. However, when you as a teacher set up the test, you can click the option “Play again”. By doing this, you allow students to play the test as often as they like once the time officially allocated for the test is over. However, this will not change their test result.

Yes, this is possible. Alternatively, you can either set up a particular time and date for the test and the time is the same for all registered students.

No, absolutely not. This is categorically not allowed. Our questions can only be used for the online test within mcEmpirics. We provide a very large number of questions for teachers to use but these are copyright protected and it is not permitted for questions to be used outside mcEmpirics.

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