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  • Angrist, Joshua; Pischke, Jörn-Steffen (2009): Mostly Harmless Econometrics: An Empiricist's Companion.
  • Angrist, Joshua; Pischke, Jörn-Steffen (2015): Mastering 'Metrics: The Path from Cause to Effect. First Edition.
  • Cunningham, Scott (2021): Causal Inference: The Mixtape. First Edition.
  • Stock, James; Watson, Mark (2015): Introduction to Econometrics. Third Edition. Global Edition.
  • Wooldridge, Jeffrey M. (2016): Introductory Econometrics. 6th Edition.

mcE also contains quizzes and questions on, and references to the following books and journal articles:


  • Barros, Pedro; McGuire, Thomas; Pauly, Mark (2011): Handbook of Health Economics - Volume 2. First Edition.
  • Boeri, Tito; van Ours, Jan (2013): The Economics of Imperfect Labor Markets. Second Edition.
  • Borjas, George (2014): Immigration Economics. First Edition.
  • Borjas, George (2016): Labor Economics. Seventh Edition.
  • Borjas, George (2016): We Wanted Workers - Unraveling the Immigration Narrative. First Edition.
  • Card, David; Krueger, Alan (2016): Myth and Measurement: The New Economics of the Minimum Wage. First Twentieth-Anniversary Edition.
  • Davidson, Russell; MacKinnon, James G. (2009): Econometric Theory and Methods. International Edition.
  • DiNardo, John; Johnston, Jack (1997): Econometric Methods. Fourth Edition.
  • Everitt, Brian; Rabe-Hesketh, Sophia (2007): A Handbook of Statistical Analysis using Stata. Fourth Edition.
  • Greene, William (2018): Econometric Analysis. 8th Edition.
  • Gujarati, Damodar; Porter, Dawn C. (2009): Basic Econometrics. Fifth Edition. International Edition.
  • Hanushek, Eric; Machin, Stephen; Woessmann, Ludger (2011): Handbook of the Economics of Education - Volume 3
  • Kennedy, Peter (2006): A Guide to Econometrics. 6th Edition.
  • Studenmund, Arnold (2017): A Practical Guide to Using Econometrics. Seventh Edition. Global Edition.
  • Verbeek, Marno (2017): A Guide to Modern Econometrics. 5th Edition.
  • Westhoff, Frank (2013): An Introduction to Econometrics: A Self-Contained Approach. First Edition.

Journal articles

  • Abadie, Alberto; Gay, Sebastien (2006): The impact of presumed consent legislation on cadaveric organ donation: A cross-country study, in Journal of Health Economics; pp. 599 - 620 , Vol. 25 (4).
  • Acemoglu, Daron; Pischke, Jörn-Steffen (1998): Why do firms train? Theory and evidence, in Quarterly Journal of Economics; pp. 79 - 119 , Vol. 113 (1).
  • Ahn, Taehyun (2016): Reduction of working time: Does it lead to a healthy lifestyle?, in Health Economics; pp. 969 - 983 , Vol. 25 (8).
  • Akee, Randall; Angold, Adrian; Copeland, William; Costello, Jane; Keeler, Gordon (2010): Parents' incomes and children's outcomes: a quasi-experiment using transfer payments from casino profits, in American Economic Journal: Applied Economics; pp. 86 - 115 , Vol. 2 (1).
  • Almond, Douglas (2010): Estimating marginal returns to medical care: evidence from at-risk newborns, in Quarterly Journal of Economics; pp. 591 - 634 , Vol. 125 (2).
  • Almond, Douglas; Doyle, Joseph; Kowalski, Amanda; Williams, Heidi (2010): Estimating marginal returns to medical care: evidence from at-risk newborns., in Quarterly Journal of Economics; pp. 591 - 634 , Vol. 125 (2).
  • Almond, Douglas; Mazumder, Bhashkar (2011): Health capital and the prenatal environment: the effect of Ramadan observance during pregnancy, in American Economic Journal: Applied Economics; pp. 56 - 85 , Vol. 3 (4).
  • Altonji, Joseph; Spletzer, James (1991): Worker characteristics, job characteristics, and the receipt of on-the-job training, in ILR Review; pp. 58 - 79 , Vol. 45 (1).
  • Ashenfelter, Orley; Greenstone, Michael (2004): Using mandated speed limits to measure the value of a statistical life, in Journal of Political Economy; pp. 226 - 267 , Vol. 112 (1).
  • Åslund, Olof; Edin, Per-Anders; Fredriksson, Peter (2003): Ethnic enclaves and the economic success of immigrants - Evidence from a natural experiment, in Quarterly Journal of Economics; pp. 329 - 357 , Vol. 118 (1).
  • Auffhammer, Maximilian; Kellogg, Ryan (2011): Clearing the air? The effects of gasoline content regulation on air quality, in American Economic Review; pp. 2687 - 2722 , Vol. 101 (6).
  • Autor, David; Donohue, John; Schwab, Stewart (2004): The employment consequences of wrongful-discharge laws: large, small, or none at all?, in American Economic Review; pp. 440 - 446 , Vol. 94 (2).
  • Babcock, Linda; Camerer, Colin; Loewenstein, George; Thaler, Richard (1997): Labor supply of New York city cabdrivers: one day at a time, in Quarterly Journal of Economics; pp. 407 - 441 , Vol. 112 (2).
  • Baker, Michael; Milligan, Kevin (2008): How does job-protected maternity leave affect mothers' employment?, in Journal of Labor Economics; pp. 655 - 691 , Vol. 26 (4).
  • Baker, Michael; Milligan, Kevin (2008): Maternal employment, breastfeeding, and health: Evidence from maternity leave mandates, in Journal of Health Economics; pp. 871 - 887 , Vol. 27 (4).
  • Baker, Scott (2015): Effect of immigrant legalization on crime, in American Economic Review; pp. 210 - 213 , Vol. 105 (5).
  • Barreca, Alan; Guldi, Melanie; Lindo, Jason; Waddell, Glen (2011): Saving babies? Revisiting the effect of very low birth weight classification, in Quarterly Journal of Economics; pp. 2117 - 2123 , Vol. 126 (4).
  • Beaman, Lori; Duflo, Esther; Pande, Rohini; Topalova, Petia (2012): Female leadership raises aspirations and educational attainment for girls: a policy experiment in India, in Science; pp. 582 - 586 , Vol. 33 (60).
  • Beatty, Timothy; Shimshack, Jay (2011): School buses, diesel emissions, and respiratory health, in Journal of Health Economics; pp. 987 - 999 , Vol. 30 (5).
  • Behaghel, Luc; Crépon, Bruno; Sédillot, Béatrice (2008): The perverse effects of partial employment protection reform: The case of French older workers, in Journal of Public Economics; pp. 696 - 721 , Vol. 92 (3).
  • Bernheim, Douglas; Meer, Jonathan; Novarro, Neva (2016): Do consumers exploit commitment opportunities? Evidence from natural experiments involving liquor consumption, in American Economic Journal: Economic Policy; pp. 41 - 69 , Vol. 8 (4).
  • Bertrand, Marianne; Mullainathan, Sendhil (2004): Are Emily and Greg more employable than Lakisha and Jamal? A field experiment on labor market discrimination, in American Economic Review; pp. 991 - 1013 , Vol. 94 (4).
  • Bertrand, Marianne; Goldin, Claudia; Katz, Lawrence (2010): Dynamics of the gender gap for young professionals in the financial and corporate sectors, in American Economic Journal: Applied Economics; pp. 228 - 255 , Vol. 2 (3).
  • Bharadwaj, Prashant; Løken, Katrine; Neilson, Christopher (2013): Early life health interventions and academic achievement, in American Economic Review; pp. 1862 - 1891 , Vol. 103 (5).
  • Bhattacharya, Jay; Gathmann, Christina; Miller, Grant (2013): The Gorbachev anti-alcohol campaign and Russia's mortality crisis, in American Economic Journal: Applied Economics; pp. 232 - 260 , Vol. 5 (2).
  • Biddle, Jeff; Hamermesh, Daniel (1990): Sleep and the allocation of time, in Journal of Political Economy; pp. 922 - 943 , Vol. 98 (5).
  • Black, Dan; Hsu, Yu-Chieh; Lowell, Taylor (2015): The effect of early-life education on later-life mortality, in Journal of Health Economics; pp. 1 - 9 , Vol. 44 (1).
  • Black, Sandra; Devereux, Paul; Salvanes, Kjell (2005): Why the apple doesn't fall far: understanding intergenerational transmission of human capital, in American Economic Review; pp. 437 - 449 , Vol. 95 (1).
  • Black, Sandra; Devereux, Paul; Salvanes, Kjell (2008): Staying in the classroom and out of the maternity ward? The effect of compulsory schooling laws on teenage births, in Economic Journal; pp. 1025 - 1054 , Vol. 118 (53).
  • Blanchard, Olivier; Portugal, Pedro (2001): What hides behind an unemployment rate: comparing Portuguese and U.S. labor markets, in American Economic Review; pp. 187 - 207 , Vol. 91 (1).
  • Blau, Francine; Kahn, Lawrence (2000): Gender differences in pay, in Journal of Economic Perspectives; pp. 75 - 99 , Vol. 14 (4).
  • Booth, Alison; Leigh, Andrew (2010): Do employers discriminate by gender? A field experiment in female-dominated occupations, in Economics Letters; pp. 236 - 238 , Vol. 107 (2).
  • Buser, Thomas; Niederle, Muriel; Oosterbeek, Hessel (2014): Gender, competitiveness, and career choices, in Quarterly Journal of Economics; pp. 1409 - 1447 , Vol. 129 (3).
  • Caliendo, Marco; Tatsiramos, Konstantinos; Uhlendorff, Arne (2013): Benefit duration, unemployment duration and job match quality: a regression-discontinuity approach, in Journal of Applied Econometrics; pp. 604 - 627 , Vol. 28 (4).
  • Card, David (1990): The impact of the mariel boatlift on the Miami labor market, in Industrial and Labor Relations Review; pp. 245 - 257 , Vol. 43 (2).
  • Card, David; Krueger, Alan (1994): Minimum wages and employment: a case study of the fast-food industry in New Jersey and Pennsylvania, in American Economic Review; pp. 772 - 793 , Vol. 84 (4).
  • Card, David; DiNardo, John (2000): Do immigrant inflows lead to native outflows, in American Economic Review; pp. 360 - 367 , Vol. 90 (2).
  • Carneiro, Pedro; Meghir, Costas; Parey, Matthias (2013): Maternal education, home environments, and the development of children and adolescents, in Journal of the European Economic Association; pp. 123 - 160 , Vol. 11 (1).
  • Carneiro, Pedro; Løken, Katrine; Salvanes, Kjell (2015): A flying start? Maternity leave benefits and long-run outcomes of children, in Journal of Political Economy; pp. 365 - 412 , Vol. 123 (2).
  • Carrell, Scott; Hoekstra, Mark; West, James (2011): Does drinking impair college performance? Evidence from a regression discontinuity approach, in Journal of Public Economics; pp. 54 - 62 , Vol. 95 (1).
  • Chay, Kenneth; Greenstone, Michael (2003): The impact of air pollution on infant mortality: Evidence from geographic variation in pollution shocks induced by a recession, in Quarterly Journal of Economics; pp. 1121 - 1167 , Vol. 118 (3).
  • Chiswick, Barry (1978): The effect of Americanization on the earnings of foreign-born men, in Journal of Political Economy; pp. 897 - 921 , Vol. 86 (5).
  • Chou, Shin-Yi; Grossman, Michael; Rashad, Inas (2008): Fast-food restaurant advertising on television and its influence on childhood obesity, in Journal of Law & Economics; pp. 599 - 618 , Vol. 51 (4).
  • Clark, Damon; Royer, Heather (2013): The effect of education on adult mortality and health: evidence from Britain, in American Economic Review; pp. 2087 - 2120 , Vol. 103 (6).
  • Coneus, Katja; Spiess, Katharina (2012): Pollution exposure and child health: evidence for infants and toddlers in Germany, in Journal of Health Economics; pp. 180 - 196 , Vol. 31 (1).
  • Cornelissen, Thomas; Dustmann, Christian; Schönberg, Uta (2017): Peer effects in the workplace, in American Economic Review; pp. 425 - 456 , Vol. 107 (2).
  • Crépon, Bruno; Kramarz, Francis (2002): Employed 40 hours or not employed 39: lessons from the 1982 mandatory reduction of the workweek, in Journal of Political Economy; pp. 1355 - 1389 , Vol. 110 (6).
  • Croson, Rachel; Gneezy, Uri (2009): Gender differences in preferences, in Journal of Economic Literature; pp. 448 - 474 , Vol. 47 (2).
  • Currie, Janet; Moretti, Enrico (2003): Mother's education and the intergenerational transmission of human capital: evidence from college openings, in Quarterly Journal of Economics; pp. 1495 - 1532 , Vol. 118 (4).
  • Currie, Janet; Neidell, Matthew (2005): Air pollution and infant health: What can we learn from California’s recent experience?, in Quarterly Journal of Economics; pp. 1003 - 1030 , Vol. 120 (3).
  • Currie, Janet; Neidell, Matthew; Schmieder, Johannes (2009): Air pollution and infant health: Lessons from New Jersey, in Journal of Health Economics; pp. 688 - 703 , Vol. 28 (3).
  • Currie, Janet; DellaVigna, Stefano; Moretti, Enrico; Pathania, Vikram (2010): The effect of fast food restaurants on obesity and weight gain, in American Economic Journal: Economic Policy; pp. 32 - 63 , Vol. 2 (3).
  • Cutler, David; Lleras-Muney, Adriana (2010): Understanding differences in health behaviors by education, in Journal of Health Economics; pp. 1 - 28 , Vol. 29 (1).
  • Davis, Lucas (2008): The effect of driving restrictions on air quality in Mexico City, in Journal of Political Economy; pp. 38 - 81 , Vol. 116 (1).
  • Dee, Thomas; Evans, William (2003): Teen drinking and educational attainment: evidence from two-sample instrumental variables estimates, in Journal of Labor Economics; pp. 178 - 209 , Vol. 21 (1).
  • Dolado, Juan; Kramarz, Francis; Machin, Stephen; Manning, Alan; Margolis, David (2014): The economic impact of minimum wages in Europe, in Economic Policy; pp. 317 - 372 , Vol. 11 (23).
  • Dolado, Juan; Kramarz, Francis; Machin, Stephen; Manning, Alan; Margolis, David; Teulings, Coen (2014): The economic impact of minimum wages in Europe, in Economic Policy; pp. 317 - 372 , Vol. 11 (23).
  • Draca, Mirko; Machin, Stephen; Van Reenen, John (2011): Minimum wages and firm profitability, in American Economic Journal: Applied Economics; pp. 129 - 151 , Vol. 3 (1).
  • Dube, Arindrajit; Lester, William; Reich, Michael (2016): Minimum wage shocks, employment flows, and labor market frictions, in Journal of Labor Economics; pp. 663 - 704 , Vol. 34 (3).
  • Dustmann, Christian; Schönberg, Uta (2012): Expansions in maternity leave coverage and children's long-term outcomes, in American Economic Journal: Applied Economics; pp. 190 - 224 , Vol. 4 (3).
  • Dustmann, Christian; Fitzenberger, Bernd; Schönberg, Uta; Spitz-Oener, Alexandra (2014): From sick man of Europe to economic superstar: Germany's resurgent economy, in Journal of Economic Perspectives; pp. 167 - 188 , Vol. 28 (1).
  • Dustmann, Christian; Schönberg, Uta; Stuhler, Jan (2016): The impact of immigration: why do studies reach such different results?, in Journal of Economic Perspectives; pp. 31 - 56 , Vol. 30 (4).
  • Eisenberg, Daniel; Golberstein, Ezra; Whitlock, Janis (2014): Peer effects on risky behaviors: New evidence from college roommate assignments, in Journal of Health Economics; pp. 126 - 138 , Vol. 33 (1).
  • Eissa, Nada; Liebman, Jeffrey (1996): Labor supply response to the earned income tax credit, in Quarterly Journal of Economics; pp. 605 - 637 , Vol. 111 (2).
  • Estevão, Marcello; Sá, Filipa (2008): The 35-hour workweek in France: straightjacket or welfare improvement?, in Economic Policy; pp. 418 - 463 , Vol. 23 (55).
  • Fairlie, Robert; Robinson, Jonathan (2013): Experimental evidence on the effects of home computers on academic achievement among schoolchildren, in American Economic Journal: Applied Economics; pp. 211 - 240 , Vol. 5 (3).
  • Figlio, David; Hart, Cassandra (2014): Competitive effects of means-tested school vouchers, in American Economic Journal: Applied Economics; pp. 133 - 156 , Vol. 6 (1).
  • Fortson, Jane (2009): HIV/AIDS and fertility, in American Economic Journal: Applied Economics; pp. 170 - 194 , Vol. 1 (3).
  • Frederick, Shane; Loewenstein, George; O’Donoghue, Ted (2002): Time discounting and time preference: a critical review, in Journal of Economic Literature; pp. 351 - 401 , Vol. 40 (2).
  • Freeman, Richard (1996): The minimum wage as a redistributive tool, in Economic Journal; pp. 639 - 649 , Vol. 106 (43).
  • Galor, Oded; Özak, Ömer (2016): The agricultural origins of time preference, in American Economic Review; pp. 3064 - 3103 , Vol. 106 (10).
  • Geyer, Johannes; Haan, Peter; Wrohlich, Katharina (2015): The effects of family policy on maternal labor supply: combining evidence from a structural model and a quasi-experimental approach, in Labour Economics; pp. 84 - 98 , Vol. 36 (1).
  • Glitz, Albrecht (2012): The labor market impact of immigration: a quasi-experiment exploiting immigrant location rules in Germany, in Journal of Labor Economics; pp. 175 - 213 , Vol. 30 (1).
  • Goldin, Claudia; Rouse, Cecilia (2000): Orchestrating impartiality: The impact of "blind" auditions on female musicians, in American Economic Review; pp. 715 - 741 , Vol. 90 (4).
  • Goldin, Claudia; Katz, Lawrence (2002): The power of the pill: oral contraceptives and women’s career and marriage decisions, in Journal of Political Economy; pp. 730 - 770 , Vol. 110 (4).
  • Goldin, Claudia (2006): The quiet revolution that transformed women's employment, education, and family, in American Economic Review; pp. 1 - 21 , Vol. 96 (2).
  • Gruber, Jonathan (2000): Disability insurance benefits and labor supply, in Journal of Political Economy; pp. 1162 - 1183 , Vol. 108 (1).
  • Heckman, James (1998): Detecting discrimination, in Journal of Economic Perspectives; pp. 101 - 116 , Vol. 12 (2)
  • Heaton, Paul (2012): Sunday liquor laws and crime, in Journal of Public Economics; pp. 42 - 52 , Vol. 96 (1).
  • Hollingsworth, Bruce; Wildman, John (2009): Blood donation and the nature of altruism, in Journal of Health Economics; pp. 492 - 503 , Vol. 28 (2).
  • Holmlund, Helena; Lindahl, Mikael; Plug, Erik (2011): The causal effect of parents' schooling on children's schooling: a comparison of estimation methods, in Journal of Economic Literature; pp. 615 - 651 , Vol. 49 (3).
  • Hotz, Joseph; Mullin, Charles; Sanders, Seth (1997): Bounding causal effects using data from a contaminated natural experiment: analysing the effects of teenage childbearing, in Review of Economic Studies; pp. 574 - 603 , Vol. 64 (4).
  • Hunt, Jennifer (1999): Has work-sharing worked in Germany?, in Quarterly Journal of Economics; pp. 117 - 148 , Vol. 114 (1).
  • Hyslop, Dean; Stillman, Steven (2007): Youth minimum wage reform and the labour market, in Labour Economics; pp. 201 - 230 , Vol. 14 (2).
  • Joesch, Jutta; Johnson, Terry; Klepinger, Daniel (2002): Effects of unemployment insurance work-search requirements: The Maryland experiment, in Journal of Public Economics; pp. 3 - 22 , Vol. 56 (1).
  • Jürges, Hendrik; Kemptner, Daniel; Reinhold, Steffen (2011): Changes in compulsory schooling and the causal effect of education on health: Evidence from Germany, in Journal of Health Economics; pp. 340 - 354 , Vol. 30 (2).
  • Katz, Lawrence (1990): The impact of the potential duration of unemployment benefits on the duration of unemployment, in Journal of Public Economics; pp. 45 - 72 , Vol. 41 (1).
  • Kelly, Morgan (2000): Inequality and crime, in Review of Economics and Statistics; pp. 530 - 539 , Vol. 82 (4).
  • Kessler, Judd; Roth, Alvin (2014): Loopholes undermine donation: An experiment motivated by an organ donation priority loophole in Israel, in Journal of Public Economics; pp. 19 - 28 , Vol. 114 (3).
  • Lalive, Raffael; Zweimüller, Josef (2009): How does parental leave affect fertility and return to work? Evidence from two natural experiments, in Quarterly Journal of Economics; pp. 1363 - 1402 , Vol. 124 (3).
  • LaLonde, Robert (1995): The promise of public sector-sponsored training programs, in Journal of Economic Perspectives; pp. 149 - 168 , Vol. 9 (2).
  • Lazear, Edward (1990): Job security provisions and employment, in Quarterly Journal of Economics; pp. 699 - 726 , Vol. 105 (3).
  • Lechner, Michael (1999): Earnings and employment effects of continuous off-the-job training in East Germany after unification, in Journal of Business & Economic Statistics; pp. 74 - 90 , Vol. 17 (1).
  • Lee, David (1999): Wage inequality in the United States during the 1980s: rising dispersion or falling minimum wage?, in Quarterly Journal of Economics; pp. 977 - 1023 , Vol. 114 (3).
  • Lee, David; Lemieux, Thomas (2010): Regression discontinuity designs in economics, in Journal of Economic Literature; pp. 281 - 355 , Vol. 48 (2).
  • Lindo, Jason; Swensen, Isaac; Waddell, Glen (2013): Alcohol and student performance: estimating the effect of legal access, in Journal of Health Economics; pp. 22 - 32 , Vol. 32 (1).
  • Lleras-Muney, Adriana (2005): The relationship between education and adult mortality in the United States, in Review of Economic Studies; pp. 189 - 221 , Vol. 72 (1).
  • Loewenstein, Mark; Spletzer, James (1997): Delayed formal on-the-job training, in ILR Review; pp. 82 - 99 , Vol. 51 (1).
  • Lynch, Lisa (1991): The role of off-the-job vs. on-the-job training for the mobility of women workers, in American Economic Review; pp. 151 - 156 , Vol. 81 (2).
  • Ludsteck, Johannes; Schönberg, Uta (2014): Expansions in maternity leave coverage and mothers' labor market outcomes after childbirth, in Journal of Labor Economics; pp. 469 - 505 , Vol. 32 (3).
  • Lundberg, Shelly; Startz, Richard (1983): Private discrimination and social intervention in competitive labor market, in American Economic Review; pp. 340 - 347 , Vol. 73 (3).
  • Lundborg, Petter; Nilsson, Anton; Rooth, Dan-Olof (2014): Parental education and offspring outcomes: Evidence from the Swedish compulsory school reform, in American Economic Journal: Applied Economics; pp. 253 - 278 , Vol. 6 (1).
  • Machin, Stephen; Meghir, Costas (2004): Crime and economic incentives, in Journal of Human Resources; pp. 958 - 979 , Vol. 39 (4).
  • Machin, Stephen; Marie, Olivier; Vujić, Sunčica (2011): The crime reducing effect of education, in Economic Journal; pp. 463 - 484 , Vol. 121 (55).
  • Martin, Richard; Randal, John (2008): How is donation behaviour affected by the donations of others?, in Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization; pp. 228 - 238 , Vol. 67 (1).
  • Meer, Jonathan; West, Jeremy (2016): Effects of the minimum wage on employment dynamics, in Journal of Human Resources; pp. 500 - 522 , Vol. 51 (2).
  • Mortensen, Dale (1988): Wages, separations, and job tenure: on-the-job specific training or matching?, in Journal of Labor Economics; pp. 445 - 471 , Vol. 6 (4).
  • Narendranathan, Wiji Arulampalam nee; Nickell, Stephen; Stern, Jon (1985): Unemployment benefits revisited, in Economic Journal; pp. 307 - 329 , Vol. 95 (37).
  • Naz, Ghazala (2004): The impact of cash-benefit reform on parents' labour force participation, in Journal of Population Economics; pp. 369 - 383 , Vol. 17 (2).
  • Neumark, David; Wascher, William (1992): Employment effects of minimum and subminimum wages: panel data on state minimum wage laws, in ILR Review; pp. 55 - 81 , Vol. 46 (1).
  • Neumark, David; Wascher, William (2001): Minimum wages and training revisited, in Journal of Labor Economics; pp. 563 - 595 , Vol. 19 (3).
  • Neumark, David; Schweitzer, Mark; Wascher, William (2004): Minimum wage effects throughout the wage distribution, in Journal of Human Resources; pp. 424 - 450 , Vol. 39 (2).
  • Niederle, Muriel; Vesterlund, Lise (2007): Do women shy away from competition? Do men compete too much?, in Quarterly Journal of Economics; pp. 1067 - 1101 , Vol. 122 (3).
  • Nilsson, Peter (2017): Alcohol availability, prenatal conditions, and long-term economic outcomes, in Journal of Political Economy; pp. 1149 - 1207 , Vol. 125 (4).
  • Nunley, John; Pugh, Adam; Romero, Nicholas; Seals, Alan (2016): College major, internship experience, and employment opportunities: Estimates from a résumé audit, in Labour Economics; pp. 37 - 46 , Vol. 38 (1).
  • Olivetti, Claudia; Petrongolo, Barbara (2017): The Economic consequences of family policies: lessons from a century of legislation in high-income countries, in Journal of Economic Perspectives; pp. 205 - 230 , Vol. 31 (1).
  • Oreopoulos, Philip; Salvanes, Kjell (2011): Priceless: The nonpecuniary benefits of schooling, in Journal of Economic Perspectives; pp. 159 - 184 , Vol. 25 (1).
  • Piil Damm, Anna (2009): Ethnic enclaves and immigrant labor market outcomes: quasi-experimental evidence, in Journal of Labor Economics; pp. 281 - 314 , Vol. 27 (2).
  • Pissarides, Christopher (2001): Employment protection, in Labour Economics; pp. 131 - 159 , Vol. 8 (2).
  • Ramsey, J. (1969): Tests for specification errors in classical linear least-squares analysis, in Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series B; pp. 350 - 371 , Vol. 31 (2).
  • Raposa, Pedro; van Ours, Jan (2010): How working time reduction affects jobs and wages, in Economics Letters; pp. 61 - 63 , Vol. 106 (1).
  • Reuben, Ernesto; Wiswall, Matthew; Zafar, Basit (2015): Preferences and biases in educational choices and labour market expectations: shrinking the black box of gender, in Economic Journal; pp. 2153 - 2186 , Vol. 127 (60).
  • Riphahn, Regina (2004): Employment protection and effort among German employees, in Economics Letters; pp. 353 - 357 , Vol. 85 (3).
  • Roth, Alvin; Sönmez, Tayfun; Ünver, Utku (2005): A kidney exchange clearinghouse in New England, in American Economic Review; pp. 376 - 380 , Vol. 95 (2).
  • Ruffle, Bradley; Shtudiner, Ze'ev (2014): Are good-looking people more employable?, in Management Science; pp. 1760 - 1776 , Vol. 61 (8).
  • Ruhm, Christopher (2000): Parental leave and child health, in Journal of Health Economics; pp. 931 - 960 , Vol. 19 (6).
  • Sacerdote, Bruce (2001): Peer effects with random assignment: results for Dartmouth roommates, in Quarterly Journal of Economics; pp. 681 - 704 , Vol. 116 (2).
  • Santavirta, Torsten (2012): How large are the effects from temporary changes in family environment: evidence from a child-evacuation program during World War II, in American Economic Journal: Applied Economics; pp. 28 - 42 , Vol. 4 (3).
  • Skuterud, Mikal (2007): Identifying the potential of work‐sharing as a job‐creation strategy, in Journal of Labor Economics; pp. 265 - 287 , Vol. 25 (2).
  • Stevens, Margaret (1994): Labour contracts and efficiency in on-the-job training, in Economic Journal; pp. 408 - 419 , Vol. 104 (42).
  • Tatsiramos, Konstantinos (2009): Unemployment insurance in Europe: unemployment duration and subsequent employment stability, in Journal of the European Economic Association; pp. 1225 - 1260 , Vol. 7 (6).
  • van der Klaauw, Wilbert (2008): Regression–discontinuity analysis: a survey of recent developments in economics, in Labour; pp. 219 - 245 , Vol. 22 (2).
  • Waldfogel, Jana (1998): The family gap for young women in the United States and Britain: can maternity leave make a difference?, in Journal of Labor Economics; pp. 505 - 545 , Vol. 16 (3).
  • Ward, Courtney (2014): Influenza vaccination campaigns: is an ounce of prevention worth a pound of cure?, in American Economic Journal: Applied Economics; pp. 38 - 72 , Vol. 6 (1).
  • Yörük, Baris (2014): Can technology help to reduce underage drinking? Evidence from the false ID laws with scanner provision, in Journal of Health Economics; pp. 33 - 46 , Vol. 36 (1).
  • Zimmerman, David (2006): Peer effects in academic outcomes: evidence from a natural experiment, in Review of Economics and Statistics; pp. 9 - 23 , Vol. 85 (1).

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